Diamond Hands 💎👐
I know, I'm a little late on this train huh? I had a fun idea for a caption about a wife stealing her husband's body and trying to fuck him into surrendering his Robinhood password so she could sell his stock before the price crashed, and this caption is the result of that impulse. I also really wanted to do another topical caption: the last one I wrote like this was my story about Tumblr banning porn. It's fun to sneak jokes and references into your porn.
If you don't understand what the caption is about, just google "GameStop stock".
If you enjoyed this erotic endeavour, go down to the comments and type "WE LIKE THE CAPTION". More importantly, tell me how much money you lost on $GME and $AMC. It's okay, you're among friends. Apes together strong.
Oh wow. I love how much this makes me feel so much pleasure. My mind goes haywire... 😳 *blushes*